Write Forever: Nothin' lasts forever, even AEW Collision for November 16

Baby, I've got an arm full of covid booster and my temperature has been fluctuating all day but it's just about stabilized in time for Collision. I think falling asleep to Tank Girl on VHS earlier in my basement probably helped. Lori Petty has healing powers, this can not be disputed. Hopefully RFK Jr. and his fucking brain worm don't also ban Tank Girl in this country.
I could have been at this show since Albany is just a few hours away from me, but that would require willingly putting myself in Albany. So, instead, I'm sitting in my bed watching it with our Siamese cat sitting next to me. I hope she's excited for the 9-minute Guns N' Roses music video tonight!
As with Dynamite, we've got a full show booked and promoted well in advance of the show airing which is a lovely thing to see. Looking at the card ahead of time, it's going to be hard for anything to live up to what I've already imagined Shelton Benjamin vs Komander will be in my head.
Feel the wrath of Harley Cameron
Harley Cameron first showed up in AEW as a bit of comic relief in the QTV stable, which was essentially doomed from the start because it was a stable full of geeks (most of whom I love, but who have always been booked as geeks in AEW). I didn't know anything about her and just assumed she wasn't going to be an active wrestler, since she was placed in the stable in more of a managerial role.
Then there was that one week where she sang and rapped and I realized that even if she was just going to be a manager, she was going to be the most entertaining part of QTV. While that group didn't last long, Harley ended up floating around until she found a steady place alongside Saraya (who hasn't been seen in several weeks, which I'm fine with).
When she actually started wrestling, it was clear she wasn't on the level of the main event women in the company but she was fun to watch either way.
Somewhere along the way, though, Harley really stepped it up and has become consistently good in the ring. I'm not going to put her on the same level as a Jamie Hayter or Toni Storm just yet, but I don't doubt that she could get there in time. In her short run so far, she's shown crazy improvement and her match with Mina Shirakawa proved that.
This wasn't just Mina carrying Harley to a good match – Harley held her own and I think she's proven that she's going to be able to more than hold her own in the ring. And at just a couple of years as a professional wrestler, the sky really could be the limit for someone like Harley who is not only showing that she can learn and improve quickly in the ring but is loaded with personality and charisma.
Everyone loves The Acclaimed breaking up
The Acclaimed have been floundering for a long, long time. Their initial Tag Title run was fun, but their Trios Title run was pure misery at a time when half a dozen other trios would have been better suited as champions. The Bullet Club Gold saga dragged on and on, further souring them for me.
But, now it seems like we're finally getting somewhere. They've been doing the same old shtick for far too long and it appears that we're on the verge of a break-up. The easy play here is for Max Caster to turn heel, possibly aligning with MVP who has been politely trying to lure him away for weeks.
Let's just hope Caster quits with the dumbass edgelord raps (and tweets) because that shit is exhausting.
Any other time, I'd be annoyed at a team like LFI losing to The Acclaimed but if this is all in service of finally splitting these guys up then the ends will justify the means.
Wrapping Up
As is generally customary with Collision, there was a bit that would have felt like filler had they not been doing such a good job of promoting things in advance and building to full gear. Danny Garcia vs Johnny TV isn't a match I ever needed to see, but it gave Garcia a win against essentially three guys while also building to the Jack Perry match with Perry's attack on Daddy Magic.
Daddy Magic, by the way, described himself as a "Darkwing Duck kinda guy" on Rampage last night which just further solidifies him as wonderful guy.
I also don't think I'd ever seen a human hood ornament before tonight, but Garcia and Daddy Magic solved that problem for me. It felt very WCW to me but didn't go so far that it felt like bad WCW, a dangerous line to tip toe along.
Powerhouse Hobbs and Bronson was another match that would never be at the top of my dream match list, but it's important to not only establish Hobbs now that he's back but make him look like an absolute freak against another huge guy.
The main event of Mariah May and Anna Jay was fine and may have been better in front of a more enthused crowd. It certainly wasn't the top hardcore/No DQ/whatever stipulation women's match we've seen in AEW and it would have had to have been incredible to live up to some of them.
I presume we're getting the big Toni Storm return at Full Gear now that they're officially promoting the Championship Champagne Celebration with Mariah and Mina at the PPV. The question then remains – will Mina remain by Mariah's side or align with Toni Storm?
And, who will be waiting down the road once the next chapter of Mariah/Toni/Mina plays out?